Meet the Jedi Council

Member Name 1

Stephen Dawson

i'm Stephen and i was responsible for working on the Whack-a-droid minigame that was used for the "Trial of Agility". i also implemented the LocalStorage and Audio Object functionality that was used in the minigames and other parts of the site. i was also responsible for creating and organising the repo and the project board. My favourite Star Wars character is Kreia from KOTOR.

Member Name 2

Donald MacRitchie

i was responsible for implementing the memory game with George, creating the home page, results page and the results page functionality. General planning with Stephen and creating Meet the team page with Hannah and George. My Favourite Star Wars charecter is Qui Gon Jinn - Complete badass with great hair!

Member Name 3

George Small

i'm George and i was responsible for helping Donald with the memory game Javascript file, Making the wireframes for the home page; the results and meet the team pages. i was also responsible for sourcing majority of the sounds apart from the jawa sound effects and i was responsible for finding the music track which plays in the background of our website. My Favourite star wars characters are c3p0 and r2d2 due to their comedic nature.

Member Name 4

Hannah olbrich

i'm Hannah and i was responsible for doing the README and the wireframes for the games. i was also responsible for doing some styling on the Wordle game and carrying out some manual checking across the website. i was also responsible for contributing to the HTML and CSS on the team page as well. My favourite character in Star Wars is Jar Jar Binks because of his sense of humour.

Member Name 5

Tharindu Nadeeshan

Member Name 6

Towbie Idowu

i’m Towbie and my favorite Stars Wars character is baby Yoda. i worked on the Whack-a-droid minigame in The Trial of Agility. i created the game set up and also included a timer and score tracker.
